It’s time to turn over a new leaf in your search for a new career by coming to the Pike County Job Club!
With practical lessons and expert-led activities planned to help get you back to work, Job Clubs in Pike County is now better positioned than ever to deliver hands-on assistance that can help you write a professional résumé, learn how to succeed in job interviews, connect with employers, workforce professionals, and other jobseekers, and create a winning game plan for your job search.
Join us at the Pike County Job Club, which will meet starting September 14th, at the Pike County Public Library, 126 Lee Avenue, Pikeville.
The Pike County Job Club is brought to you by a partnership between Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, Inc. (EKCEP), Big Sandy Area Community Action Program, Inc. and the Kentucky Career Center Office of Employment and Training (OET).
Our career experts in the Job Clubs partnership have brought together a program powered by the career-advising industry’s best ideas and tools to help those searching for employment build the skills and connections they need to find rewarding new work.
In Job Clubs, you will:
• Build job leads
• Get top job search advice
• Have access to job networking opportunities
• Build a professional employer-approved résumé
The experts who will guide you through Job Clubs and on your way to a successful new job have been in this industry for years and know what needs to be done to get you on the fast track toward employment.
To attend the next Pike County Job Club meeting, stop by the Pike County Public Library, 126 Lee Avenue, Pikeville, starting at 11:00 a.m. on September 14th.
All new members are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior for new member orientation. For more information or to speak with a Career Advisor about the Pike County Job Club, please call (606) 433-7721.