Head Start
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program operates, through contractual delegations to local school boards of education, Head Start programs in Pike, Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, and Martin counties with services also provided through the Paintsville Independent School. In addition, BSACAP also directly operates four classrooms housed in Pikeville known as Model City Head Start.
- children 3-5 years of age from families with low-income
- children from families receiving public assistance (K-TAP or SSI), regardless of income
- children in foster care, regardless of family income
- ten percent of enrollments are offered to children with disabilities
- children from families with slightly higher income may be able to participate in Head Start when space is available
- homeless children regardless of income
Head Start provides children with
- an education
- preparation for kindergarten
- socialization
- listening and speaking skills
- healthy meals and snacks
- vision and hearing tests
- assistance with dental and medical needs
Head Start offers parents support services and the opportunity to take classes on subjects including child rearing, job training, and health and nutrition. Parents can also learn about free resources in their communities and receive assistance in obtaining a high school General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or other adult education opportunities. Head Start staff members refer families requiring assistance to medical, social welfare, or employment specialists. For more information on BSACAP Head Start, click here.
The Head Start program is administered by the Office of Head Start, the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).