Income limit raised, no disconnection required

People who would like assistance paying their electric bill or other home energy costs are encouraged to apply for the subsidy portion of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), administered by Big Sandy Area Community Action before the end of the month.

Anyone who has not received LIHEAP assistance since April 30 and meets the income guidelines is encouraged to apply. The income limit has been raised, so the agency is hopeful that they will be able to reach more people, including those who may have lost their job due to the pandemic. Disconnect notices are not required at this time.

The income limit has increased, so now a single person who made $1,595 or less last month qualifies,” explained BSACAP Executive Director Wanda Thacker. “The income limit increases by $560 for every person in the house, so if two people are in the house and their combined income was $2,155 or less last month, then they can get assistance too.”

The agency also said that the extra $600 per week of unemployment funds that some people may be receiving and the Economic Impact Payments ($1,200 for adults, $500 for children) do not count as income for this program. “We really want to give as many people as possible the chance to benefit from these funds,” Thacker said.

Applicants should call the agency’s toll-free LIHEAP hotline to book an appointment: 1-877-792-2219. Appointments can also be made through the agency’s website at

LIHEAP is funded through Community Action Kentucky (CAK), the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).