$2,000 scholarship still available
CSBG Scholarship Winners: Back Row – Evan Prince, Jacob Robinson, Elizabeth Chaffins, Pike County Community Resource Representative Dawn Stephens, Martin County Community Resource Representative Lori Smith. Front Row – CSBG Program Manager Alecia Conley-Knox, Kendra Caudill, Valina Stacy, Caitlyn Little, BSACAP Executive Director Wanda Thacker
Each year Big Sandy Area Community Action Program (BSACAP) is afforded the opportunity to present students in their service area with scholarships to help them attend college or vocational school. This year six people from across Pike, Floyd, Johnson, Martin, and Magoffin Counties received a total of over $5,000 in funds to help them pursue their educational goals.
The agency is also offering the Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship, a $2,000 prize awarded to an individual who is majoring in Social Work, Human Services, Public Services, or a related field; has a history of volunteer work; is in at least their third year of study; and has a financial need.
Six Community Service Block Grant scholarships were awarded last week at the agency’s central office in Paintsville. These scholarships are available to students who come from Floyd, Johnson, Martin, Magoffin, and Pike counties, who demonstrate a financial need, and who write an essay explaining why their education is important and why they deserve the scholarship. This year’s winners are as follows:
Kendra Caudill of Pike County is attending Big Sandy Community & Technical College where she studies Business Administration. Elizabeth Chaffins of Magoffin County is attending Big Sandy Community & Technical College where she studies Education. Caitlyn Little of Pike County is attending the University of Pikeville where she studies Nursing. Evan Prince of Martin County is attending Morehead State University where he studies Counseling. Jacob Robinson of Pike County is attending Big Sandy Community & Technical College where he studies Heating & Cooling. Valina Stacy of Pike County is attending Big Sandy Community & Technical College where she studies Industrial Maintenance Technology.
Wanda Thacker, Executive Director of BSACAP, said, “Through these scholarships we are trying to give a little extra help for the expenses they might incur during the school year. We really applaud these students for making the choice to continue their education and we are grateful for the opportunity to encourage them on their way.”
Applications are still being accepted for the Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship. Applications are available at any BSACAP office. The deadline to apply for the Community Advocate Scholarship is August 30, 2019.
Scholarship funding is made possible by Community Services Block Grant with funds made available by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the US Department of Health and Human Services.