In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Big Sandy Area Community Action Program will take applications for another round of energy/heating assistance through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Applications will be taken May 1 – June 30, 2020 on a first come, first serve basis, or until funds are exhausted. 

The program is designed to assist households with low incomes to pay their electric bills or assist with the cost of their heating fuel. Starting in May, the income eligibility limit for the program has been raised to 150 percent of the federal poverty level, meaning that a single person household with a gross income of $1,595 or less in the previous month can receive the assistance. The income limit increases by $560 per person in the household, so two-person household must have had a gross income of $2,155 or less in the previous month to qualify. 

It is important to note that funds provided to households through the CARES Act will not count toward the monthly income limit for this program. The extra $600 per week of unemployment funds that some people may be receiving and the Economic Impact Payments ($1,200 for adults, $500 for children) will not be considered as income for this program. 

You do not have to have a “disconnect” notice during the spring subsidy component of LIHEAP.  

All eligible applicants will receive a benefit amount that is based on their income and primary fuel type.  Benefit amounts vary based on individual situations. All vouchers are paid directly to the primary fuel vendor with no funds being distributed directly to the applicant household. 

Individuals seeking assistance during the subsidy component must meet income eligibility requirements and will be asked to provide the following information when they sign up:  

  1. Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence (Green Card) for EACH member of the household. In order to receive assistance, you MUST provide EVERY Social Security Number or Permanent Residence (Green Card) for each member.
  2. Proof of ALL household’s (ALL MEMBERS) income from previous month. 
  3. Most CURRENT heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in rent, statement from utility company if you participate in Pre-Pay Electric Program. 
  4. The ACCOUNT NUMBERandNAME on the account for ALL heating fuel sources and electric. 

Applicants can book an appointment to sign up for the program through the agency’s website at Applicants may also call the agency’s toll-free LIHEAP hotline in order to book an appointment: 1-877-792-2219.  

The agency can be reached by calling the BSACAP service office in your county. If callers are unable to reach a staff member, they are advised to leave a message with their name and number and state their interest in LIHEAP. Staff may also be reached through the agency’s website at 

LIHEAP is funded through Community Action Kentucky (CAK), the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).